going to the dmv tmr
we locking in for real brah..... for real for real.
I wanna update but i gen cant think of anything to say. whaaaat
I had therapy today, my therapist is real sweet i like her. She makes jokes about everything and I think thats awesome :3
uhuhurhejhfjdhg idk how i feel i wanna be worshipped please worship me
ill be a benevolent god i promiseeeee

OUH!!!!!!!!!!! WE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm at my aunts house rn and ill probably go for community service later
I applied for college last night aaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im like. excited???? idk yea ahaha
I dont have much to update on, everythings good, im feeling really good today. woooooop YEP! IM HAPPY!!!
Some bad feelings earlier but now im rlly happy :3 everytghing is good. I love my friends and my best friends and everyone
Also im single now who want me
Thats a joke I dont want any of you
shoutout berk and tommy i love u guys ur the best tomberie forever

hai guys i love my gf ^_^ lalala
I love my friends and I love that my friends r all friends and I love my stupid ugly cat and I love the awesome coffee im drinking
ok ya yippeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! life so good life so beautiful!!! We worked on favicons in web design today, I had a lot of fun with that bc I just cropped down the pixel Crowbar gif I have on the graphix html
Anyway im FINALLY gonna dock the site so I can show it to my teacher. bc ive been meaning to do so for like a week now but keep forgetting, sigh.
Yep thats all merry birthday everypony

I got diagnosed with autism
errrrrrrrrrrrr yea thats that. Time to update all my bios where i say "probably autistic" LMAO
Hahah its weird. wdym im diagnosed??Q?? for reals??!?????!? I think, at least, im pretty sure what just happened was a diagnosis
Or do I just tell everyone "Yea a panel of like 7 people all collectively decided im autistic but its not on paper"
Whatever yea im diagnosed i guess. not like my mom hasn't known since forever. but its oh-fishul now.!!!!!!!

if i told u that im updating via an android emulator would you believe me
because i am. i have to click every letter individually. life is hell LMAO
screenshot proof if anyone cares

school computer can never hold me down!!! anyway, been getting screened 4 autism at school. i guess we'll update about that when its over.
ok holy shit im sick of typing like this, bai

gyatt in class who cheered... in game design.......... gotta make a presentation abt games. pretty jazzed >_<
Currently in it with my mom. shes mad at me. I apologised to her 4 yelling at her after she was being dismissive/stressing me out cuz i lost my airpods. when i apologised she staight up ignored me and then came into my room 8 hours later to tell me "its better to be loved than to be right" ya ok whatever no its not LMAO
Id rather be smart than be a blissful idiot. sometimes you need to be corrected and thats ok. im not right all the time but id hope someone would correct me when im being an idiot
I dont wanna continue being stupid in the future
Anyway i promptly took back my apology since she refused to apologise to me even when I said that was all i wanted. be an aduulttttttttt
ok whatever i need to lock in im pissed off again now. I had to use AI in Spanish and im sad abt that

Ok updating from the school desktops bc its not blocked on here heh..........
except i cant access my site LMAO i just have to stare at a white screen
uerhhm yea we r at school 4 like one day this week LMAO. some dumbassery if u ask me, i love school bbut why even have us come atp its just like 5 hours
I had a lot of plans 2 draw today so ill def be doing that in the library later before school ends. I have sooooo many ideas for Claire drawings (my babyyyy) I HAVENT DRAWN HER IN SO LONG!!!!!!!
I never draw any silly funny drawings of WNGO anymore. I kinda lost that charm after things fell out poorly w my ex. and thats mostly my fault, i know that, it just feels kinda sad. Like im removing this big part of my history. Its weird
i still love wngo, its my favourite oc project other than my mascot project. but its like, she had a lot of influence on it and i dont want to completely rip that away. Thats why I still credit her on my FSR site as well. Whether we like it or not, she had a big part in it
i mean if she ever told me to take that shit down i totally would. no hard feelings or hate. just wanna be respectful at this point ahah
Anyway yea im gonna do WNGO art bc i wanna do more for Claire's story, i miss her and Taylor's stupid fucking lesbian situationship. fags.
ok yeap tahts all baiiii

Another snow day @_@ i wanna go back 2 school brah. we're gonna have 1 day of school this week if we're lucky LMAOO
sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhh ok im doing my online work but firefox doesnt have tab groups so its kinda like,, a lot having 50 tabs open LMAO
I need to remember to do my college stuff too. Ive kinda come to terms with going to college in state. Idk im trying my best to accept it bc therapy or wahtever. im supposed to at least tryyy
ok i need to lock in for real uhhhhh idk yea

I saw her on the breezeway and we talked a little. Not much, just like, a passing chat I guess
it was kinda nice tho
Anyway, been home all day today for a weather day. Been frequenting the melonland forum and just playing Skullgirls,, I dont have a lot to do
I pushed myself to workout, which was good, im trying to get my motivation back bc ive just been so fucking depressed lately
Just tried some Japanese matcha kitkats, god that was the best candy ive ever had. thank you Japan
We have snow!! it hardly ever snows in SC so this is like a godsend @_@ waowww!
ok soooooo yep thats all. Gonna make a new bg for my pc,, will post that to DA probably when its done lawl

Weather day tmr, so I dont go to school. Just digital stuffs. heh.
ok literally nothing to update on i just miss using my website........
uhmmmmmmmm yea gonna watch 2000s commercials and play forgotten RPG maker games

trump is prezident
i am so excited to detransition and fear for my life for the next 4 years
i am trapped in this godforsaken red hick state because i cant pay for college anywhere else. im so sick of hearing people brag about living in blue states and being safe. fuck you i dont even care, I almost wish you could understand the fear of just leaving your house because you know the whole world is against you
nobody talk to me about going to college out of state, i will slit over it im so srs. Im living my worst nightmare dude, ive been dreaming of leaving south carolina since I was little and now im stuck here even longer bc i dont have money
And its only gonna get worse from here bc trump is gonna hype up all his closeted fag minions against the transgenders and queers
So i dont wanna hear how good your life is cause im gonna be fearing for mine
free palestine, blm, stop asian hate, kill all men, tear down the patriarchy, kill capitalists, be your own government, idfk im going FULL WOKE!!!!

going to a funeral tomorrow
for my great uncle
I didnt really know him for that long, but I liked him, he gave me a cool chain. Its my favourite
He died while I was in the ward. So in a weird fucked up way, I was the nearest family member to him when he died. And he didn't even know it
He wouldve been right across the street
I dunno. its like. really weird. i guess we were both kinda having the week of our lives then haha
I dont even know how im supposed to feel right now. it feels really fucking weird. i didnt even know he died until i got out
its like the worst just stopped for a week
but now its running again
I found out because my mom had mentioned something about my abuela being alone in the house. and i thought. doesnt she have tio david with her? so obviously i said that. and my mom just kinda got quiet
its so weird. everything is weird. i wish nothing would ever be weird again

applying for federal aid who cheered
something something money something something capitalism something something someone should overthrow the government
I am so tired sighhhhh I wanna go homeeee
God wants me dead and he said it with a slash srs tonetag
im gonna be such a starving artist in college dude its so joever

we got a new dog
i dont know how to feel
bad, i guess. Idk. im like. ughjhgj its all just weird, its so weird
For months after Lilly died I would hear her little claws pitter-pattering on the wooden floors, and now I hear that again, but this time its real
But this time its not from her
I never wanted a new dog,, i dont want to replace her. i thought it would just be wishful thinking but now the dog is actually here and im just like. god no this wasnt supposed to happen. This was just supposed to be my family's dumb dream about getting another dog. It wasnt actually supposed to happen so soon.
released a comic about my dead dog and accidentally gave my mom closure, NEVER MAKE VENT COMICS THAT SHIT GETS YOU A NEW DOG!!!!

HI GUYS new state law says students cant have any personal electronics at school, or face expulsion. So. no updates at school bc my HS blocked neocities!
Thus, I am going to start working on my Nekoweb project. This project will just consist of mockup websites that my mascots are from. All my mascot ocs are from a website, hence them being mascots, so im making their home sites!
Excited to get rolling on this project, we will start with Hammock!
But yea. just updating to get the word out that i havent forgotten about anchorgutz, ive just been at school. LOVE MY NEW CLASSES IM SO HAPPYYYYYY!!! I have game design and web design!!!! This dude I sit next 2 in game design is cool asf so life is GOOD!!!

I usually have school today,, but this year we're off for some reason. Idk why. it feels weird, im used to spending my Reyes at school. Surrounded by people. Kinda weird that its different this year hahah
I wanna get back into making music tbh, I have some songs for the makeshift album Dog Songs done, but none are released anywhere. I also wanna work on the videography project i was doing for Celer.net. It wasnt good, but it was fun, and it meant a lot to me
Anyway yea I think my mom just got home? maybe? so since I have nothing else to update on, ill end it here ahah. Feliz dia de reyes a todos

hyperfixating on digital circus and having to call the bank to fix my acc is not the best way to start the year. nonetheless. i am super happy bc i lowk feel empty without a fixation
I made ragatha pixelart yesterday so maybe ill make a shrine. idk. we'll see ^_^
MY FAV HOLIDAY IS COMING UP SOON!! Dia de Reyes here we come... only 4 days away.... can you believe it guys? christmas, just a week away!
Anyway ive been doing nothing but creating nonsense tadc image edits. We are never going anywhere bru
i cant believe i turn 18 this year
there were lots of fireworks last night. i suppose celebrating the first day of the new year having concluded. I remember new years eve, 2019, i was standing on the stairs in my parents room watching the countdown from afar. I was really excited for the year to end. It had been so hellish with her. I was scared for and of everyone the entire year. And then the clock hit 12 and it was over. It was a new year so I didnt have to be scared anymore
I think that was the first time I ever stayed up to see the ball drop in Times Square. That was when I decided I liked new years
I shouldve wished them both a happy new year, but im glad i didnt, maybe we can all leave each other in the past this time
I wish my memory was better, maybe if all that dumb stuff didnt take up so much space, i'd be a lot happier. A lot easier to be around
But its 2025 now and Im gonna have shit like college and work to worry about soon. No time to be thinking about garbage like "being groomed" or "that weird toxic situationship we had after breaking up"
Time to be an adult. happy 2025. this year is gonna be mine

Happy New Years my dear crows ^_^